On A Few Free Years

click for video: Quicktime / Flash / Bliptv = direct streaming for Pc
Pondering on the mobility of things, Sam Renseiw captures an enigmatic traveling of classical beauty, nostalgia and space. The reality of objects and places condensed, transformed, and re-viewed. Enter the game by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 516, 02'12'', 13.4MB, Quicktime/mov - direct streaming for Pc at blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features an urban street corner, complete with obsolete traffic control.(Lum # 45, 00'59'', 5.8MB, Quicktime/mov) All the other's Lumieres, click here.
Quiz winner! Zoe Tati made the mark, furnishing all the answers to the first quiz, thus winning a fine souvenir. More quizzes coming on the next post. Stay tuned to patalab and remember: links in the text provide both clues and context ;-)
Labels: bonus lumierevideo, hamburger bahnhof, jason rhoades, quiz winner
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