Traveling Footage Quiz # 01

As Sam Renseiw is shifting location, busy with new traveling footage, Patalab launches a quiz: First one to guess the name of the city featured via the architectural clues on today's video-post, wins a small souvenir ! View the moving puzzle pieces by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 515, 01'57'', 11.6MB, Quicktime/mov - direct streaming for Pc at
Quiz rules: the first commentary with the correct answer (city + street name) wins the souvenir - and a bonus souvenir, should you also mention the correct name(s) of the architects !
Today's Bonus Lumiere video features a confined room with a lofty view. (Lum # 44: room with a view, 5.8MB, Quicktime/mov) For other's fine Lumieres, click here.
Labels: architecture, bonus lumierevideo, context, quiz, traveling footage
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