Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cine-Club Patalab: " soy cuba "

click for video: Quicktime / Flash / = direct streaming for Pc

"The first scene is a breathtaking hand-held travelling shot that moves sinuously through partygoers and bikini-clad women on a high- rise penthouse hotel roof, then descends down the side of the building to a crowded swimming pool and finally — without a cut — winds up underwater with the swimmers. Why do film buffs not jabber endlessly about these astonishing sequences? Why are they not endlessly quoted and pastiched in other movies?"

Indeed, muses Sam Renseiw and complies with a short voodle of a drawing exercise including Mikhail Kalatozov's seminal sequence of the above mentioned travelling shot of "Soy Cuba"... Enjoy the casual mash-up of footage by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 497, 03'28'', 20.8MB, Quicktime/mov - direct streaming for Pc at

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