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"The qualities of inside out and outside in are important in the manner that the boundary of landscape to sky is worked or made malleable. In the end, we are gardening or tending the sky. Making malleable the physical boundaries is analogous to working the boundaries of self. It is unimportant whether the picture plane is passed through physically or merely with the penetration of vision... In this sense you are not so much looking into a garden as you are looking out from one."Far from perfect or Turrell like, Sam Renseiw ponders, while visiting and simultaneously recording an ephemeral event and a performance-art-installation instigated by his alter-ego. View the short and somewhat cryptic night-voodle featuring Eva W. adjusting her battery of transmitting transistor radios in the temple by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 502, 03'24'', 21MB, Quicktime/mov - direct streaming at's Bonus Lumiere video feature another quiet architectural change of colour.(Lum # 37, 01'00'', 6.1MB, Quicktime/mov) Labels: alter-ego, colour change, installation, light, voodle