On grasping the K2

"Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote in the preface to his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus that "what can be said at all can be said clearly; and whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent."...Then I fixated on the phone booth: What is beyond immediate sight is not beyond grasp. It is waiting for the inevitable journey that will bring the translating eye to the appropriate frame, draw objects into a range where they can be understood, even as the time available for us to do so seems to be slipping away..."
On a one day journey to visit the illustrious Cogcollective before their announced Screen Dump, Sam Renseiw's gaze focused on capital subjects. Expect, in the coming weeks some fresh London footage, all with fine, crisp Storm Bugs soundtrack overlays. The first video focuses on the urban presence of the K2 - Designed in 1924 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, the red telephone box, aka the Kiosk K2 is one of the most familiar urban artefacts in London. Click here to view the peculiar embankment approach to one kiosk or mouse in the pavement above. (patafilm # 289, 00'47'' 3.6 MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash version at Blip.tv.)
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