Picture ban in Denon Wing

"Whatever the confidential deliberations were, the members were more than ready to do something to stop the maddening flashes going off at all times. The Board’s ban was not to be enforced immediately throughout, however. Only the heavily overvisited parts of the Museum, the Denon Wing, would be photo-free—in other words, the part leading to the giant Crowning of Napoleon, the jewels of the Crown in the Galerie d’Apollon, and, of course, La Joconde. ( Enforcement is harsh, though: there is no punishment more stringent than an expulsion from the museum.)"Testing the possible practical limits of the ban, Sam Renseiw recorded a glimpse of flashless footage in La Salle des Ètats. Enjoy the short episode by clicking here or enter the climate controlled icon above. (patafilm # 282, 00'23'', 1.6 MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash version available at Blip.tv)
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