The perception of the body

" Benoit Lachambre’s approach to teaching dance involves the unveiling of the body’s sensory patterns. He reveals how the senses respond to the energy patterns present whenever the body experiences movement, the body’s consciousness of its own role as witness of its own existence, and the perception of the body as the recipient of multiple perspectives. Through this realization,a working model develops, that links external experience to a deep psychomotor process, as well as creativity to a method, a technique."As all SpacingOut has an end, Sam Renseiw followed Myriam van Imschoot, Benoit Lachambre and other workshopers to a short, informal and friendly chill-out at the shores of river Neris. View the inprovised moves by clicking here or mouse in on the shore above. (patafilm # 260, 01'02'', 4.4 MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash streaming version for PC available here) More glimpses from SpacingOut - in inverted chronology - to appear on spacetwo : patalab in the following week.
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