A Gu Gu

"The releaving program poverty and naivety of Benas Sarka’s sublime theatre has a flavour of fairs, the paintings of Rousseau and Pirosmani, and ‘bread and puppets’ by Peter Schuman. The images of Sarka’s performance “A Gu Gu” (based on the texts of the famous Lithuanian poet and writer Grajauskas) can be perceived as a return to the lost paradise of children’s games This area of “naïve time” is unheard of in the professional theatre. Where a professional “performs”, Sarka just plays his game. In this theatre “what” is more important than “how”.
Spacing Out in Vilnius, Sam Renseiw caught a short glimpse of Sarka's A GuGu. Yes: "Poetry lives in between words, and needs space to move". Click here to expand the image, or mouse in on the animal above. More from Benas, Spacing out and Sirenos to come here over the next days. (patafilm #259, 12,4 MB. 02'40, Quicktime/mov - Flash version for PC available here)
Labels: aGuGu, benas sarka, gliuki theatre
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