Subjectivity as focus

Thus, we link ourselves also to the interpretation of the multiple universes, of Hugh Everett III, as we acknowledge the universe as, actually, a multiverse: An inexhaustible unfolding of universes that can portray small - or much accentuated - differences among themselves. However, we distinguish our interpretation from Everett's. He admits that all countless versions of universes in some way would "exist", superposed in a hyper-space of endless simultaneous realities as we, collectively, would only have consciousness of one. In our view, conversely, each of these multiple versions can exist only when centralized around a subjectivity that functions as its existential nucleus: Each subjectivity is the center of his or her own parallel universe..."
A typical Renseiw pata-research. Enter on the trophy or click here to surf a parallel universe, as seen in Copenhagen.
Labels: ionlyappeartobedead, morphology of body and space, performace art
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