Monday, August 22, 2005

first we have the gaze ( but it's a camera)

“… What is the use of remembering? Live Now! Live now! But my only reason for remembering is to live now.Increase of what is worth knowing, decrease of the capacity to absorb it, every day he gains a drop less, more and more drips past him drain off, not into him; how he yearns for all the things he would have liked to know…”

Not the fucker /But hon /cuckooing slow / ear test //
New ström to avalan /Cain slow hand to life /Stir whisk soul, / small parts //
Cale divorce /Ear part neglect / Tape chestover package / pack //
Mere phants / vorce the metal tie /Kick vi and marry in / Tie off-casual
Mare is me mareism / and daydream queue heavy / / Sweet me in the moon
Elias C.’s reflections and Outi-Illuulisia P’s poem, contrasted with Sam R.’s visual follow –up from space and composition.
