On voodling at level eight_0.7

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC
Indeed: After almost five hours embedment in The Oracle's Boat, Sam Renseiw realises that the stories, seemingly perpetuating themselves, are, and might indeed, have an ending. View the seventh episode of patalab's unique voodled docu-soap, before anticipating the ending of the show, tomorrow, by clicking here or on the links above. [patafilm # 714, [The Oracle's Boat/Level: 08/0.7], 04'24'', 64.8MB, Quicktime/mov - Other versions at Blip.tv)
Labels: arthur koestler, docu-soap, epstein, metropolis 09, morphology of body and space, performace, phenomenology, signa, signa soerensen, the oracle's boat, voodling
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