On voodling at level eight_0.6

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC
Continuing the close escort of the (escalating) events in The Oracle's Boat, Sam Renseiw toggles between the poesis and noesis of reality and fiction....Ut Voodle Poesis. View excerpts of the recording(s) in episode six (of a total of 8) of patalab's mini-docu-soap, with an X-rated warning for the faint-hearted, by clicking here or on the links above. [patafilm # 713, [The Oracle's Boat/Level: 08/0.6], 03'44'', 56Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions for Blip.tv)
Labels: arthur koestler, metropolis09, morphology of body and space, performance art, s 09, signa soerensen, signa.dk, voodle
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