Sunday, August 16, 2009

On voodling at level eight_0.6

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC

" We had the impression of having all ready lived all that. And our words seemed to stop short in the traces of other words from before. We paid some attention to what we were doing, but much more to sense the differences that meant that our current actions were in the present, and that similar actions had been of the past...Poetry resembles voodling. Some works will captivate you when you stand embedded very closely and others if you are at a greater distance. This one prefers a darker vantage point, that one wants to be seen in the light since it feels no terror before the penetrating judgement of the critic. This pleases only once, that will give pleasure even if we go back to it ten times over"

Continuing the close escort of the (escalating) events in The Oracle's Boat, Sam Renseiw toggles between the poesis and noesis of reality and fiction....Ut Voodle Poesis. View excerpts of the recording(s) in episode six (of a total of 8) of patalab's mini-docu-soap, with an X-rated warning for the faint-hearted, by clicking here or on the links above. [patafilm # 713, [The Oracle's Boat/Level: 08/0.6], 03'44'', 56Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions for

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