On Impure Company in a gap

click for video: Quicktime / direct streaming for PC
Quoting Hooman Sharifi, Sam Renseiw proceeds to investigate Impure Company's recent unfolding in closed quarters in Bergen. View the footage of another performance of "Once upon time country" with deserts from Zupperia at the start and end of the moves by clicking here, on the icon, or on the links above.(patafilm # 797, 48MB, 03'13'', Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features another complex fly-tip investigation, as part of a workshop (Lum # 289 "fly-tip invest", 01'00'' 14Mb, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: activism, bas, bergen, choreography, fly-tip, hooman sharifi, modern dance, morphologies of body and space