click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC" In a series of recent voodle studies, we showed that the detection of changes to a spatial array of real objects is differentially affected by display rotations and voodler movements. When the array rotates relative to a stationary voodler, change detection accuracy is reduced. However, when he voodler moves relative to a stationary array (with the same view change), performance is less affected by the view change. This pattern of results is unaffected by such factors as the visibility of background information, the amount of information specifying the view change, and the degree of active control over the view change. However, performance is disrupted when viewers are disoriented as they move relative to the stationary array. These findings suggest an important role for extra-retinal information in updating spatial representations across voodler movements. Furthermore, they suggest that representations of spatial arrays are largely view-dependent in this task, although recognition is largely view-independent when observers have sufficient extra-retinal voodle-information to update their representation as they move relative to the array."
Continuing his ongoing investigations into the morphology of body and space in voodling, Sam Renseiw further dwelt on the topic of "Person and Object Changes Across Cuts in a Voodle". View the fourth episode of patalab's fabulous docu-soap-voodle of "The Oracle's Boat" by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 711, [Oracle's Boat/Level: 08/0.4], 03'36'', 59.2MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Labels: arthur koestler, kitchen videos, morphology of body and space, performance art, phenomenology, siga, signa soerensen, the oracle's boat