Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On transpositions and voodle lexemes

Click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / Direct streaming for Pc at Blip.tv

"The Transposition Hypothesis splits all derivation, lexical and inflectional alike, into three processes: lexical (L-) derivation, inflectional (I-) derivation, and morphological Voodle. Derivation involves operations on abstract lexical and inflectional category functions such as [+Plural, -Singular], [+Past, -Present], [+1st], and the like. Voodling is the purely visual realisation of the morphological categories of any Voodle base lexeme which has undergone such derivation. Its function is to distinguish Voodle stems which have undergone derivation from those which have not."

Transposing selected voodles from the webscreen to an exclusive out-door screening, Sam Renseiw joined the Lomeg_Rom's and the Lumiere founders for a cool event at "Kuba" in Oslo. View the transposed lexeme footage by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 627, 03'18'', 17.1Mb,Quicktime/mov- other versions at Blip.tv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video(s) feature sights from the Vigeland Park and the new Opera in Oslo: (Lum # 145 " angry little boy"; Lum # 146 " opera roof walkers" and Lum # 147 " tourists, bicycle, dog"; All approx. 01'00'', 4.2MB, Quicktime/mov ) Click on the respective Lum # links to view each.

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play supplement features an opera excerpt from an early patafilm (patafilm # 87?, 01'17'', (23.10.2005 Post]Quicktime/mov)

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