Friday, April 13, 2007

On the phenomenology of roundness

click for: Quicktime version / Flash version

" And for a dreamer of images, what calm there is in the word round. How peaceful it makes one's mouth, lips, and the being of breath become round. Because this too should be spoken by a philosopher who believes in the poetic substance of word-images. An for the voodler who has broken every kind of "being-there", it is a joy to the eye to continue his deployment in pataphysics with the declaration "Das Dasein ist rund". Being is round."

While further investigating the poetics of various confined spaces, Sam Renseiw cuts corners in the kitchen once more, rounding off a short evening panorama on the phenomenology of roundness, in one whole, un-blured take. View the domestic piece by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 387, 01'18'', 6 MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash version at Bonus link: Another poetic kitchen video- from Pepa, in Villa del Mar, Chile - can be viewed by clicking here.

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