On concrete and abstract matters

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(A) "The word abstract strictly speaking means to separate or withdraw something from something else. In that sense applies to art in which the artist has started with some visible object and abstracted elements from it to arrive at a more or less simplified or schematised form . (B) "Pure artistry... will remain for ever. An Egyptian carving speaks to us today more subtly than it did to its chronological contemporaries; for they judged it with the hampering knowledge of period and personality. But we can judge purely as an expression of the eternal artistry."Pondering on the Platonic idea of abstraction, Sam Renseiw, inspired by the Abstractor.tv project by Ji Lee and Dean Jansen, created a short, crude, digital transordinary video strip, with faint reminiscences of Kate Moss's dream of Miss X. Click here or mouse in the abstract strip above to view. (patafilm # 334, 00'46'', 2.5 MB, Quicktime/Mov - Flash version at Blip.tv)
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