On the vulnerability of vision

An artistic endeavour comes into the world naked, unnamed, and vulnerable. Every creative effort requires the artist to wrest something from nothingness, a purposive cosmos from an apparently indifferent chaos; An artist feels vulnerable to begin with; and yet the only answer is to recklessly discard more armour. Receptivity requires a nimbleness, a fine-honed sensitivity in order to let one's self be the vehicle of whatever vision may emerge. Only he who has a different visual opening can see the world in another way and can pass on to his neighbour the information required to broaden a field of view(s). ... Let us get used to looking at the world through the eyes of others. An artistic endeavour is recognised for its vision(s), not its reporting(s).
Sam Renseiw would like to be able to leave today so he wouldn't have to set eyes again on all the places he was unable to properly develop on video; Yet, a certain vision will become clear only when looked into the heart. "Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens". Spacetwo : patalab's blog frame is but a feeble attempt to convey some inner, re-views of personal occurrences, via video media. There is no urge to gain media attention, nor desire to participate in media-related spin-off's in this endeavour. View the latest visual here, or try leaving your armour on the hangers above.(patafilm #176, loop, 2.4 MB, mov/quicktime- Flash verison here)
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