Something about a choice between two things

"...The auctioneer in Return of the Bad Men is the barker with the chimp dressed as a farmer in Inherit the Wind, the barker selling snake oil in Whispering Smith, the barker of solid gold watches for a dollar in Guys and Dolls, the barker for the Mermaid in The Unconquered, and the barker for the shooting gallery in Friendly Persuasion..."
They say of a two-faced person, "She eats saints and shits devils." Indeed, Sam Renseiw videotaped some chinoiseries for the purpose, balancing the options between going blind or taking a sh... View them here or click on the character above. (patafilm 125, 01'22'', 5.8 MB, mov/quicktime - as always, best viewed on Firefox for windows users)
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