Harry Smith seemed to get everwhere

"...Harry Smith not only seemed to get everywhere, he also gave the impression that he could do anything. He weaved in and out of various cultural milieux, many of them notorious, and turned his mind to countless different creative and cultural endeavours. In a time when computers had not yet nudged their way into everyday life, Smith was making a decent attempt to turn his brain into a multimedia hub, a receptacle capable of sucking in and spewing out various bits of data, juggling them around in new, enlightening ways..."
Sam Renseiw's interest in synæsthesia as non-rational, containing the capacity to transcend mundane existence stretches back to the Harry who used synæsthetic metaphors in order to construct an objective world that was more in tune with human subjectivity. Watch Harry Smith dance in a very rare footage here, or click on the cross-sensory perceptive abstraction above. (00'45'', 2.7MB, mov/quicktime ) / link update 10.10.15
Labels: early experimental voodle, morphologies of body and space, sam renseiw, synaesthesia
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