Braque and the symbolic bird

"Mysteries have to be respected if they are to retain their power," said Braque. All his still‑life possessions project the special creation of untranslatable order, harmony and insight that convey more than they say. These graphic symbols allowed the venerable videographer to externalize his psychic processes and meditate on his world of art and artifacts. The birds are forms which allowed him to begin to relate to the necessity of dying; they epitomize the ultimate mystery of human expression."
His was the comfort of complete achievement. For Sam Renseiw, a remix was the artistic fusion, based on material from Nanorama's passions. The first CC.remix Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 licenced remix, with best regards to Jennifer P. View the remix here or enter the corn filed above. ('patafilm #107, 01'21'', 14,5 MB, mov/quicktime)/relinked 02.10.15
Labels: braque, early voodle, jenn p, sam renseiw, videoblogging