On talent management and docu-voodling

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC
Sometimes, one single afternoon might encompass a large variety of didactic, performative happenings, opening quite charming and oblique re-views into aspects of talent. Sam Renseiw recently checked into Talenthotel, a well prepared mini-conference with a delightful display of dance flow and Beatnix. View the second episode from this mini-spoap docu-voodle by clicking on the icon or links above.
Underneath, are the icons and links to the 3 other "talent-sketch-voodles". Click appropriately to view. (patafilm(s) # 640- ('02'32''/13.2MB), # 640a (02'10''/11.3MB), # 640b (02'09''/11.2MB) and # 640c (02'47''/14.4Mb), all Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv

# 640 b Quicktime / .m4v for iPod-Iphone / Flash

# 640 c Quicktime / .m4v for iPod-Iphone / Flash
"But expect quite a few in the future" promises Sam, still loaded with footage from Japan.
Labels: beatnix, conference, docu-soap, flowdance accademy, intermezzo, talent, talenthotellet, voodle
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