Friday, December 31, 2010

On more arcane arcade voodling

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/Pad / direct streaming for PC

'Why travel?' asks Tomas Espedal in "Tramp", 'Why not just stay at home, in your room, in your house, in the place you like better than any other, your own place. The familiar house, the requisite rooms in which we have gathered the things we need, a good bed, a desk, a whole pile of books. The windows giving on to the old weeping willow and holly hedge, the beautiful lawn, the terrace.."

The first step in any longer journey is always a footstep - the brave or curious act of putting one foot in front of the other and stepping out of the house onto the sidewalk below... the beginning of some stort of footage thus, and one might as well start voodling... As it again happened to me this past year... a time consuming and enjoyable occupation as always...yet still without any fixed goal... The work seems slowly to mutate into something much larger... an arcane visual arcade of sorts, a steadfast, insisting, unassuming visual laboratory, in the midst of the growing deluge of moving images...

Yes, I might as well continue the happy endeavour, in Camus' spirit: "The struggle enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy." The Arcade Project took thirteen years, so that would leave eight more years ahead...

This past year, I had the privilege of retaining a dedicated audience of fellow video artists and vlogger. Thank you to all for your kind comments and encouragement. It does indeed help the work, as well as the inspiration of watching yours. I have particularly enjoyed the exquisite & rare luxury of new video postings from Daniel Liss, Robert Croma, Steven Ball , Jimi Bogdanov, and Philip Sanderson, Rolf Gerslauer just to name a few; A special thanks to Michael Szpakowski from DVblog for his continuous dedicated, inspiring and generous sharing compilation(s) Since last November Philip sublimely re-and fine-tuned many Lumieres for the exquisite Lumiere et Son project, concluding the work in precisely one year. I am still amazed at the fine subtleties infused, in what at first seems just audio-overlays: what happens is some rather profound new soundings, resonating. Regarding soundtracks: also this year I had the opportunity of lending new soundtracks from Gurdonark and Negativesoundinstitute, and many more... And, last not least: I still ove so much to Brittany Shoot and Andreas Haugstrup's fine Lumiere project Manifesto. It keeps me enabled to re-view and capture so many sights that might otherwise have been lost, or never even seen.

To all of you and the many more Patalab friends I might not have mentioned -I do miss you ,though)- a heartfull thank you and the best wishes for a happy, prosperous and fruitful new year ! Click here or on the links above. (patafilm # 806b",happy new 11" , 02'17'',42Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv) Kind regards, Sam Renseiw.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On expressive hotch potch voodling

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPhone/Pad / direct streaming for PC

"Elements of Voodle are authentic, heartfelt, genuine, original condensed snapshots. Poetry arises from the interaction of those elements. Meaning is important only if it employed as one such factor. Voodles play off sense against nonsense. I prefer nonsense, but that is a purely personal matter... almost becoming Caligari! "

Yet, it is reality as such that is most fascinating, states Sam Renseiw, probing the limits of documentation as intertwined tropes of simultaneous syneasthetics -palimpsests-with seemingly anonymous bouts of reality;View one more attempt at expressionistic delimiting without defining by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm #807, 02'06'',38MB, Quicktime/mov -other versions at bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a naval, straight-forward view, with passage. (lum#298,"passing harbour-cruise", 01'00'', 17MB, Quicktime/mov)

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

On some artfull conditions in voodles

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPad / direct streaming for PC

"The necessary condition for an Voodle is sight," Janouch told Kafka; and Kafka smiled and replied: "We voodle things in order to drive them out of our minds..." My Voodles are a way of shutting my eyes..."What the Voodle reproduces to infinity has occurred only once: the voodle mechanically repeats what could never be repeated existentially... yet, a Voodle is always invisible, it is not it that we see."

Remembering Barthes considerations that "the age of voodling corresponds precisely to the explosion of the private into the public", (or rather into the creation of a new social value, which is the publicity of the private), Sam Renseiw concocted footage from two recent, semiprivate events, into a distinct diptych voodle. View some private glimpses of jump-cutted reality by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 806, 02'24'', 41MB, Quikctime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a quiet moment of winter after sunset-glow. (lum# 297,"moon-house-boat"15Mb, 00'59'', Quicktime/mov)

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

On fragmentation and long takes voodling

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPad / direct streaming for PC

" Fragmentation is indispensable if one does not want to fall into representation. To see beings and things in their separate parts. Render them independent in order to give them a new dependence...Displaying everything condemns voodling to cliché, obliges it to display things as everyone is in the habit of seeing them. Failing which, they would appear false or sham."

Toggling between Bresson and Bazin, Sam Renseiw voodled forth a fragment of quotidian by mean of a long take., accomodating both; View the short, poetic passage on a clear day from one-fixed-point-to-another via sublime urban shore(s) and full-rigger by clicking here or on links above. (patafilm # 805b, 03'55'', 71MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a sunny moment in the library office. (lum# 296," library shadows" 01'00'', 17MB, Quicktime/mov)

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Sunday, December 05, 2010

On cold attics as new art hotspots

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPad/iPhone / direct streaming for PC

" Voodling, said Andre Bazin, substitutes for our view of the world a world that accords with our desires. Cold-attic is the sort of story of this which the real exists only as perceived, in that situations can be said to exist only when a consciousness is engaged with something other than itself. In this Voodled view, reality is not a completed sphere the mind encounters, but an “emerging- something” which the mind essentially participates in..."

A day after JLG's 80th birthday, Sam Renseiw follows professor Ezik inviting him to climb an internal Jacob's Ladder to experience [new] elevated art-den revelations, to assert a reality according to our desires. View the polar-cabin demonstrating the same-same-but-different maxim by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 804, 02'34'', 65MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)For ulterior Vaterpas Research, voodled by yours truly, click here.

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a simple revelation: the planting of tulips in Copenhagen parks is done in early December. (lum # 294,"tulip planter" 01'00'', 16MB, Quicktime/mov)

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