“..Embodied cinema-writing is the hybrid body/camera encountering and re-acting to an infinitely generative universe. SPACETWO: PATALAB is a visual/spa-tial research videoblog that has been run by Sam Renseiw since 2005. The blog, later Vine and now Instagram accounts, holds a vast archive of video doodles or “voodles” that are spontaneous cinematic investigations of space. Renseiw in-troduces each video with a short remix of theoretical texts related to his spatial research: Jarry, Bergson, de Certeau, Debord, Calvino, Borges, to name a few. Be-yond these short texts and reflections, Renseiw, as a persona, remains a mystery. Never a presence in front of the camera, he is bodily present in his framing, montage and idiosyncratic camera gestures: walking shots, stuttering zooms, meandering glides. Renseiw’s “voice” is this gestural cinematography and intu-itive montage giving shape to the spaces he encounters: the way it is framed and reflected by windows, occluded by translucent surfaces, filled with unexpected textures, geometric shapes and signs. He discovers repetitions and flows, still-ness in concert with movement, the close embedded in the far. The voodles are micro-narratives of perception.”
New years greetings, a bit late; Most voodling endeavours seeem to be 6” short(s), lately. And then there was a peculiar project, that took some time. Anticipate more (video)posts here, in the near future. In the mean time:
merci beaucoup to professor Luers for his very kind mention regarding Sam’s voodles, in his
paper “A Chance for Cinema-Writing in Electronic Literature”. It keeps the work alive ! Best wishes for a happy new year to all viewers.
Labels: embodied space, happy new year 2019, sam renseiw, voodle, voodling, will luers